St Faustina Diary Quotes In Malayalam

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Sister Faustina intersperses current events and experiences with the description of things that happened earlier. So, the Diary we have today, especially its first notebook, does not follow a chronological order.

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Later, her Vilnian spiritual director told her to reconstruct what she had destroyed. We know that Sister Faustina burnt the original version of the Diary, because when Father Sopoćko was away, she yielded to the persuasion of an alleged angel (in reality Satan).

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Her earliest extant notes were written in July 1934. in Kraków, instructed her to write it, and the superiors of the Congregation gave her their consent. Also her confessors, Father Michał Sopoćko in Vilnius and Father Józef Andrasz S.J. She wrote it in Vilnius and Kraków in 1934 – 1938, as Jesus Himself had told her to do. The Diary of Saint Faustina Kowalska is one of the gems of mystical literature.

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