Download and listen to all these melodious Bollywood old MP3 songs from the Old Hi Gold Hai playlist exclusively on. Some of the popular Bollywood songs from the playlist are Lag Ja Gale Se Phir, Aap Ki Ankhon Mein Kuch, Maine Tere Liye, Tum Aa Gaye Ho Noor Aa Gaya Hai, Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na, Dekha Ek Khwaab, and the list goes on. They have sung melodious retro Bollywood songs which are a treat to your ears and the soul. Premium Bachna Ae Hasinon Lo Main Aa Gaya. Download Old Hindi songs MP3 and listen to Bollywood Old songs free online on. This playlist has contributions from renowned singers in the industry namely Lata Mangeshkar, Kishore Kumar, Jagjit Singh, Asha Bhosle, Mohammed Rafi, and many more. Old Song Download- Play Old Hi Gold Hai Music Playlist on. As the name suggests, this playlist comprises 28 timeless Bollywood classics, the ones you cannot resist listening to.
We have curated an Old Hi Gold Hai playlist for all the 80s and 90s song enthusiasts out there.
For all the old Bollywood song fanatics out there, Gaana has something worth checking out. Be it any generation, old Bollywood songs have managed to rule the hearts of all of them. Despite several versions made of them, the original ones will always have a special place in our hearts. And this aura is created with its soulful tunes and thoughtfully-penned lyrics. Old Bollywood songs have an aura which is unmatchable. Old is Gold is indeed a statement which no one can deny.