HOW? These will be EXCLUSIVE to BadAss Harmonica with a link, and will NOT be streaming on social media. WHY? With no work or performances for any of us musicians, I've decided to start a series of LIVE online Q&A Sessions with some of the BEST and most knowledgable players and technicians in the Harmonica World!! Registration is LIMITED but open to anyone willing to make a donation. This Webinar will be educational (and fun) for all who attend, regardless of how much you already know! Kim is not only a serious blues harmonica player who can hold his own with the best of them, but also is a wealth of knowledge of all things related to the harmonica. Not only an accomplished harp player who has toured internationally and who is respected by the best in the business, but he also wrote the highly-acclaimed and the most in-depth book chronicling the Harmonica and some of it’s top practitioners of all genres - Harmonicas, Harps, and Heavy Breathers.
KIM FIELD is a harmonica player’s harmonica player.